Tuesday, March 20, 2007




Karen said...

I love how dedicated we are to the blog!

HLK said...

it's been my lifeline

CANDY said...

eheh!!! SHERIN!!! YOU AND YOUR HAT are like BFF!!!!!!! XDD

*bff has officially been included to our NYC tour words/quotes list. LOL!!!! XD

Sherin Guirguis said...

Thanks for knitting this fab hat Haven, it's my lucky charm!!

HLK said...

love the hat. i'm making one for everyone in the class!

cambria said...

i hope you are serious about a hat for all haven. i want it so bad!!! can we please have a class devoted to learning to make one. it is part of our research on coping with NY weather.

HLK said...

Yes I mean it about the hats - anyone that wants one can have one. I can do ANYTHING - I survived Newark.

Sarah said...

i also want a hat!! I want us all to match in a freakish, designy way :P