- i had a great, great, time
- i have no money now, thanks to continental, not because i spent it all week!
- sherin and haven kicked it into high gear to get us the out of there...and they were awesome.
- me and my classmates are bff. yeah thats right...BFF!
- i full intend on staying at MORGANS should i go to NY again.
- i have some really important pictures
- i have a lot of schoolwork to catch up on...crappp.
- air tran is awesome because you can listen to bad new age music on xm radio on board
- first class gives you free stuff!
- my luggage is really heavy and i am buff for pulling it through snow and puddles alone at 3 am
- the bus that leaves every 15 minutes according to newark employees doesnt actually exist
- C & G and Wallace & Church make me happy
- Ogilvy is a strange tribe, not a company
- Bloombergs is even more strange. and transparent.
- it IS possible for me to miss LA
- and most of all, getting an earlier flight home is possibly the best thing ever!

im sure theres a lot more ill have to add to this list, but i still havent caught up on sleep and am drained (arent we all), so that will have to happen another time.
thanks to all of you who were amazing to put up with everything that happened. despite the horror and terror and AHHHH of the whole situation, it was an adventure that is now over and we are all safe and can recover...and talk about it forever and ever. plus we have bragging rights at roski.
ps sarahs mom at the terminal made my day bigtime.
I absolutely want to see those photos.
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